No. 472/MENKES/PER/V/1996




In view of:


To stipulate :


Article 1

As used in this Regulation:

Article 2

Types of hazardous substances as meant in this Ministerial Regulation are as specified in Attachment I.

Article 3

(1) Any type of hazardous substances that will be distributed or circulated must be registered with the Director General of Drug and Food Control of the Ministry of Health.

(2) Registration of hazardous substances as meant in paragraph (1) can be conducted by the producer, importer, distributor of the hazardous substances by completing registration form and attaching the required documents as per the example form specified in attachment II.

(3) To the producer or legal entity appointed by the producer, who has fulfilled requirements as meant in paragraph (2), registration proof is issued.

Article 4

(1) Any Business entity or individual who manages hazardous substances shall make, develop and have safety data sheet of hazardous substances as per the example in attachment III.

(2) The safety data sheet as meant in paragraph (1) must be posted in such a place so that easy to see and read in order to facilitate the safeguarding actions if required.

Article 5

(1) Any hazardous substance that is circulated must be packed in container or packing properly and safely.

(2) On the container or packing, making must be affixed including preparation name or trade name, active substance name, net weight, warning words and danger sign or symbol, direction of first aid.

(3) Marking as meant in paragraph (2) must be visible, readable, understand able, not detachable and decolouring easily due to rays and weather.

Article 6

(1) Any Business entity or individual who manages hazardous substances shall make periodic report on 3 (three) months basis, containing the receiving, distribution and use and matters related to the occurring processes.

(2) Substance of the report is as per the example in attachment IV.

Article 7

(1) Specially for importers of hazardous substances in the form of borax, formalin, mercury, methanyl yellow, rodamin B and cyanide and its salts, must immediately report their importation or receiving to the Director General not later than 2 (two) weeks as of the receipt of goods as per the example report form as specified in Attachment V.

(2) Importer or distributor who distributes the hazardous substances as meant in paragraph (1) must make special record on:

(3) On the packing of hazardous substances as meant in paragraph (1), its importers name shall be specified. �

Article 8

(1) The Director General of Drug and Food Control or the local Regional Office of the Provincial Heath Ministry, severally or jointly with related agencies can monitor and supervise the implementation of this Ministerial regulation.

(2) The Director General of Drug and Food Control or the local Regional Office of the Provincial Heath Ministry or jointly with related agencies shall conduct capacity building by means of disseminating information, counselling or raining to the community or the hazardous substance handlers in the framework of protection to the human health and environment.

(3) Information dissemination as meant in paragraph (2) above shall be the giving of explanation on threats or dangers that may be resulted by the hazardous substances, method of handling and overcoming in the event of accident and/or intoxication, both directly or through printed media or electronic media.

Article 9

Business entities or individuals managing hazardous substances that commit in any action contradictory to or violate provisions in Article 3 paragraph (1), Article 4, article 5, article 6 paragraph (1), and article 7 paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this Ministerial Regulation, either purposely or due to their negligence that result in hazard to the health and safety of human and environment shall be subject to punitive sanction in the form of administrative actions and imprisonment in accordance with the prevailing statutory regulations.

Article 10

Business entities or individuals that manage hazardous substances as specified in attachment I shall fulfil the provisions stipulated in this ministerial regulation not later than 1 (one) year as from the stipulation date of this regulation.

Article 11

Upon enactment of this regulation, the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 453/Menkes/Per/XI/1983 on Hazardous Materials is declared null and void.

Article 12

(1) Matters of a technical nature that are not yet sufficiently stipulated in this regulation shall be further specified by the Director General.

(2) Any change of types of hazardous substances as meant in Article 2 and Article 7 paragraph (1) can be stipulated by the Director General.

Article 13

This regulation shall take effect as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, this regulation shall be published by publishing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulate in Jakarta
On May 9, 1996

Prof. Dr. SUJUDI